If it's not available, you know that the request is made through a regular form post, and you should serve back a full page. 如果该字段无法获取,则表明请求是通过一个常规表单提交发出的,您应该返回一个完整的页面。
If a member in a DB2 pureScale cluster fails, DB2 provides full access to every page of data that doesn't need recovery. 如果DB2pureScale集群中的某一个成员出故障,DB2会提供对不需要恢复的每个数据页的完全访问。
This description is accurate, but the underlying motivation is that full page refreshes are distracting and detract from an enjoyable, immersive user experience. 尽管这个描述非常确切,但是根本的动机在于彻底刷新整页会令用户不耐烦,从而无法获得愉快、融入式的用户体验。
As a result, Web pages are dynamically updated without a full page refresh interrupting the interaction flow. 所以,不必采用会中断交互的完整页面刷新,就可以动态地更新Web页面。
You can page through the results in the same manner as the full page view above. 您也可以像之前在全页视图那样逐页浏览所有结果。
Fortunately, there are two patterns for this; I apply them to displaying the full page of cities. 幸运的是,有两个模式可以解决这个问题;我应用它们显示城市页面。
I request this link using the HTTP GET method ( to retrieve the full response page) and then search for class= "price">, which is immediately followed by the stock's current price. , which is immediately followed by the stock's current price." data-id="796706"> 然后使用HTTPGET方法(检索完整的响应页面)来请求这个链接,从中搜索class=“price”>,它后面紧接着就是这个股票的当前价格。
News International is placing a full page advert across a range of national newspapers on Saturday as part of a range of marketing campaigns designed to repair the company's damaged image. 新闻国际在很多全国性的报纸上安排了一份正版的广告,以此作为公司形象的挽救措施。
A full page where we choose the location. 全页广告由我们决定版面。
When the first began his speaking career, Mark Twain recalled, he used a full page of notes to keep him getting mixed up. 当马克·吐温开始他的演讲生涯的时候,他回忆说,他使用满满一页的草稿以避免搞乱。
A newspaper headline that runs across the full page. 一个报纸的标题占满整个页面。
It also introduces members such as RenderPartial, which can be used to render a portion of the user interface defined within a partial view as opposed to the full page. 它同样引入了另外一些成员,例如RenderPartial方法,它能够使用定义在一个部分视图中而不是一个完整页面中的内容,来生成用户界面的一部分。
Depending on the system, area composition may achieve full page make-up, where no paste-up at all is needed. 视乎系统的性能,区域排版可完成整版拼排工作而完全不需拼贴。
Resize form or report automatically to display a complete record or a full page? When tilling out the return, if the amount per book does not coincide with the self-adjusted amount according to the law, the supporting documents about the adjusted items should be submitted. 请确定是否自动调整窗体或报表大小以显示一条完整的记录或一整页报表?本表填写时,帐载金额与自行依法调整后金额不符的,还应同时报送调整项目的附表。
Also, WML was strongly XML-based, a single error made the full page unreachable. 同时,WML对XML的依赖非常强,单单一个错误就能让整个页面无法访问。
When a new row is added to a full index page, the database engine moves approximately half the rows to a new page to make room for the new row. 如果向已满的索引页添加新行,数据库引擎将把大约一半的行移到新页中,以便为该新行腾出空间。
Each poem was a kind of answer, but as soon as the last full stop hit the page the result seemed inadequate. 每首诗都含有一种解释,当最后一个句号跃于纸上,答案却显得并不充分。
Banner: the main headline, in large type, across the full width of a page. 横额标题:横跨整个版面的大字主标题。
Full page caching allows the entire contents of a page to be persisted to memory and used to fulfill client requests. 整页缓存允许将页的全部内容保存在内存中,并用于完成客户端请求。
Four Invitation to Golf Tournament/ Appreciation Certificate/ Tax Exemption Receipt/ Full Page Advertisement/ Name on Tree at Foon Yew High School, Kulai. 四位受邀参赛/表扬状/捐款免税收据/版广告/宽中古来分校植树一棵。
After first learning how to hold a brush properly, in a few months I was able to write a full page of words in my own style. 在学会了如何正确握笔之后的几个月里,我就能写上满满一页的有着自己风格的毛笔字了。
With a highly specialised process, an advertiser's website appears as a pop-in in a Full Page Ad format when a visitor is browsing the publisher's website. 服务供应商透过高度专业的程序,令广告商的网站在人们浏览发布商网站时,以整页模式通过后者的嵌入式视窗呈现。
The title of a book printed at the top of the first page of the text or on a full page preceding the main title page. 指印在正文第一页顶部的书名,或在主标题的前一整页上。
You know, I just deleted my full page message. 我才刚刚删掉了我一整页的留言重写。
If full page is punch-drunk, be about to be sent afresh. 假如整页模糊不清,就要重新发送一次。
Page output caching provides two models for page caching: full page caching and partial page caching. 页输出缓存提供了两种页缓存模型:整页缓存和部分页缓存。
Fantastic speaking full of page, written with bitter tears, everyone thinks the author mad, but who know the spirit of it? 满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪!都云作者痴,谁解其中味?
This method makes full use of web page source code and visual information to determine the deep web query interface on one page. 通过对网页源代码、页面视觉信息进行综合利用,来确定一个页面中的deepweb查询接口。
The system contains information online service system based on reference database and full page standard database, building on available offline purchase service system development. 该系统包含基于标准题录数据库及标准全文数据库开发的文献信息在线服务系统,基于客户信息数据库开发的文献购买离线服务系统。
All of them is done by the browser core. The core can send and receive data, arrange all the data to a full page. 这一切,包括发送和接收,处理网络数据,到最终形成网页的过程都是由浏览器的核心来完成的。